May Zoom Session- Coming SOON

Official Website
Rockland Westchester Intercollegiate Soccer Officials Association
Rockland/Westchester NISOA
New Officials Course
RWISOA will be accepting new candidate applications for the 2023/24
college soccer season in the early part of 2023. CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT AN APPLICATION... See requirements below.
Transfers: Must agree to abide by the RWISOA Code of Ethical Behavior.
- If you would like to transfer to RWISOA from another NISOA chapter,
please visit the link HERE or email krodrigo@rwisoa.org
- If you attended the 2018 NISOA Referee Training Camp in Elizabethtown, PA,
please email Kevin Rodrigo at Krodrigo@rwisoa.org to complete the application.
Application Guidelines:
To become a college soccer official, you need to join NISOA, the National
Intercollegiate Soccer Officials Association. You can do so by following these
Requirements: All members interested in joining the Rockland/Westchester Chapter must apply directly through this chapter and must live within 200 Miles of the New York Counties of Rockland or Westchester. Any USSF National or PRO referee is automatically qualified for membership and is not required to complete the below, except for must apply, pass the exam and submit all fees and dues with the application.
To be eligible as a new member through NISOA, you MUST:
Submit two letters of recommendation within 30 days of this application; two (1) from a NISOA member in good standing with at least five years of experience in officiating intercollegiate soccer and one (1) from a college soccer coach, National NISOA Referee, NISOA Assessor or NISOA clinician.
Be at least 18 years of age.
Attend a RWISOA approved NISOA Entry level course.
Pass the NISOA Qualifying Exam by 80%
Pass the NISOA Physical Fitness Test.
Agree to abide by NISOA's Code of Ethics which can be found HERE
Agree to abide by the RWISOA Code of Ethical Behavior.
Have at least three years of game experience at the High School Varsity level or higher.
Have officiated as a referee in at least 25 games at the high school varsity, amateur or professional level.
Have officiated the required games under the approved officiating systems of NISOA.
Pass one field performance evaluation as referee using the Diagonal System of Control. The evaluation must be done by a certified NISOA Assessor (Local, Regional or National). The evaluation must be at the U18 Premier level or higher.
Pass the NISOA Medical Physical Exam and return an accompanying NISOA statement which explains the referee’s capabilities and signed by a certified physician.
Complete all of the above requirements within six (6) months of the initial application (the three (3) letters of recommendation MUST be submitted within 30 days of this application).
Submit all fees and dues (Local, National and New Member Uniform Kit) with the application form. Three individual checks are to be made payable to Local Chapter, NISOA National and Official Sports International. You can not send in these checks and the application to NISOA on your own. They must be submitted by RWISOA to NISOA for you.
The applicant will be placed on probation for two years during which at least one field performance evaluation each year must be made and passed.
Applicant shall be at least 18 years of age.
An applicant is eligible to take the Physical Fitness Test and/or the Written Qualifying Exam twice within the months of November – December; January – August.
Financial Responsibilities: Complete all of the above requirements within nine months of the initial date of application. Submit all dues and fees.